The Descent

Amy Lee
Oct 7, 2021

Exposed in front of a full-length mirror,

fixated on my concave collarbones

and protruding hips. Spending every daylight hour

beating down my reflection, reciting

food is not worth being fat for,





Fires from my thighs

ripping through the winding

Cayuga hills. Punishing

my legs for sparking

together when I moved. Training

to be repulsed by the sight

of soft skin folds,

crusty bread or steaming steak.

Cutting glossy pages of magazines into thinspiration,

alongside charcoal sketches of my dollhouse daydreams.

Photo by Anna Rye from Pexels



Amy Lee

Nothing could have prepared me for this journey from Mama, to Mommy, to Mom. Finding joy in the mundane, humor in the chaos, gratitude in the present.